Is ME...><''

Is ME...><''


Our talking...不再吵架,只用祝福....=)

This is the part 2...but at the same day...^^

我真的很在乎我们的友情..可是你不懂..我把我们的友情藏在我的心里..因为我什么都做不到...要出又不能...我真的很想陪你一起出的...可是不能...对不起..谢谢你..我没有忘记过我们的友情...zhende我还记得我带你第一次大巴士..一起买一样的东西..u also are my only best sis..如果有机会...我们无论去到那里...都要记得对方..因为我们曾经相识相知成为最好最像的好姐妹..tat really is my心里话..go s'ban all say 我们很像..穿到还差不多一样..很多回忆...但是回不到去了..en...u oso wan take care urself..all is the memory..cant delete..我拿毛巾来抹...哈哈够夸张..哈哈pi ti 太多了..毛巾jimat..ben dan lor u..

~vicky sik~
haha do u noe?...when i use (^^) that means i use it to close my ~~dont bazir my ''nu li '' close that...^^ ok...=) at least now i know....u are caring about our frenship....i not want u to teman me go out...that is bcoz i feel that u all ~~ forget our frenship...^^and i feel why just me 在乎我们的友情??but i noe that today, best sis....the only one until today...may be after will hav a best sis more i dont know...but i know...nw u're the only one...ya...u teach me naik bas...naik ktm....=)we back from sch everyday...go ur house..u cum my house...go mybox...and more and more...i will remember it wont forget..ya^^every month teman me go s'ban..everyday back from sch is the best memory...ya...i will^^ lol...dont like couple say bye bye geli lar...haha^^ haha....ya 相识相知成为最好最像的好姐妹...
whatever what happen will be in near future...but i noe...u also in my heart...wont forget....take care my best sis ^^回不去了...cant go back more,treaure that the nice memory about us...cant delete...coz it in our heart ady...^^are u still crying?... just nw cant stop it...but nw better abit ady...=)haha...i use lar...a pack of tissue just 30sen...our frenship is more than 30sen dont worry..haha...=)ya...tower jimat ~~ u clever abit ady...=)ok... hope we 4 ~ still is best best best fren in heart, whatever meet so many new fren ...=)promise dear sis...=)so although we will less see...but hope that ship will live at our leave oh is live...4 fren + forever^^

yar...i live not leave...为我们的将来加油..还记得我们说过如果我结婚你要做我的姐妹吗?你一定要来看我嫁给谁哦...懂吗?如果你愿意..要看谁那么幸福娶到你的好姐妹 many people wan u de..放心..那是我还争着叫你嫁先..我要做你的姐妹..嫁了就不能了..讨厌咯你..哈哈想到以前那么快就想着嫁来嫁去...有点好笑..38 ar u..say like tat sui lor u但是嫁到给自己爱的人真的很幸福..grandmother..dun wan..very happy happy..zhao dao..i oso beh tahan u ...

~vicky sik~ ok lar..late ady...go sleep lar if not 2moro like bear..coz cry+late sleep....haha....add oil and take care....^^ st time hav the feeling that we are pisah~~='( sad...ya...then want me be ur sis when u kahwin?haha...ok..i will see that who u will marry to...haha....=)sure i do lol....=)but last time u not say benny sis ??haha...remember u say it??...i say be ur sis is b4 ....haha...i think no ppl want marry with me ...u see..i so like 38...+ many so so so so sure u marry st...we say b4 ady....then just i say i will be ur sis when u marry...haha..i dont mind ...marry ady also can be my sis...coz u like marry mah so we talk marry lor i right??haha...dont gia gia lar...i noe de...hehe=)lol..u not st day noe me mah....i like that de lar...><'' notty sis hahaha..ya...that is 幸福...marry with ur lover...then make ur full house...both mother then be grandmother..hahahahaha...=)talk about u marry so happy mah..not happy mie?haha..ya...grandmother....=)haha....><'' be tahan u lol...ok lar...want both hw many babies...both many abit ya..then kingdom garden can open more...=) hehe...ya...we always be tahan dui fang... ~Ms.ChIaNg~B~ 没变过..但是我们还是很好..88 u ....bye..1st time say love u...geli...haha..真心的 is me lar..fat learn didi de only..not fat duck...ok?dun wan so slim de..not sleep lor..sleep oso wan talk so tat de ..haha..nitezzz... ~vicky sik~ last year gaduh gaduh cry...halzzz think back sibeh hao xiao and be tahan lol...hahaha....><''budak kecil that means we are yorest more...dont cry ..laugh..=) so nice....then just got memory mah...=)take care urself =)ok yeah babe love u too lar...u learn didi....didi always like that...i always ply like tat with didi...dear fat duck....forever is our fat duck hahahaha...fat lar...we must same...ok lar...enough...stop....gdnite miss u only,actually no do it...haha.... hahaha....LOL....i will do it after this...fat duck...hahaha....giv u my st kiss lar muacksss..haha..nitezzz =)

It Finish...THE END...i think no ppl can know the feeling at that time...first time i know love about friend...although i still cant understand of what she'had done...but i will try my best to know her well..^^

