Is ME...><''

Is ME...><''


Our talking...不再吵架,只用祝福...=)

This is the part 1...

~ms Chiang~B~
just now i see ur sorry..但是我觉得给我看到了更好..可能在我的爱情世界里...不管你们觉得他好不好...我知道你一定会气我为了他放弃了你..丢下你一个自己去..你也知道我很爱哭的..我只可以选你或选他..很对不起..我选择了他..知道为什么吗?

~vicky sik ~
hw u get the address? i less giv ppl coz that is i write for secret..
erm...i feel that jiu suan wo men jue de bu hao...
zong zhi ni zi ji jue de hao jiu ke yi le...
ai qing shi zi ji de....^^ dont know...

~Ms chiang~B~
因为我不想再爱别一个了..两个就已经够了..我不想去到那边遇到更好的又要重新爱过..我的人很容易心动...我真的很怕..和他不知不觉也1年了...辛苦的日子也过了..他妈对我也很好...经常叫我过去他家吃饭..经历了一切..也被受承认了...可惜我顾到爱情却顾不到友情..对不起..太忙了...又要读书又要陪他...时间也没有了...想去找你也没时间....真的很对不起..可能现在的他和以前不一样了..不知怎么会那么爱他连你也不得空理了..他不喜欢我出去...担心我...我不知应该怎样..我没得选如果我硬要出...回来一定吵架的.. 我不想吵....我只可以这样..有些事连我自己都不懂怎样说..现在还遇不到吗?+u你一定可以找个很好的..我相信你的眼光..缘分到时...他就会出现了..还记得我们那时说要去云顶吗?嗯...我也觉得有点不可能了..明年都不知又要去哪里读了..可能没机会见面了..只能想想你罢了..还没告诉他..他要读医生..看spm 怎样先 ..如果拿到好...可能会去外国读..如果我妈给...我可能但是这机会也应该很小..要抽中奖学金才可以..不然没那么多钱读..也一起去..en...i hope u oso can be very happy in tis best sis ..如果我妈给我和他一起去...我就陪他去le..maybe he go another country study..then i go they find any course study lor..after my foundation i will go find work 1st..存钱先..看可以找到工钱高一点的没有咯 i know money is so important..yalar..没变过...haha.. wat oso money 1st...haha...

~vicky sik~
means n73 and him??ermm...this thinking also right...but mei ge ren de kan fa bu yi yang..we are young...may be yi hou we will meet the more good...but if u really yu dao le ur xin fu that u want ...then u just go~~ +u...^^ u choose him...but i dun understand why choose love then no fren??this i cant understand ... i feel it too budak~~duno hw to say...but if u like , me as ur fren i will support u^^ just hope that u know what are u doing nw....''young'' hav to do many thing...dont regret when u become mature ... love is important but not all thing...^^ for me now~~if hav yuan fen...i will find a bf...then bf and fren is important but i will important myself at the st...^^ the guy that i the world hav many but wont appear in front of me...^^ ~~ i not want to choose the best one just 'yao qiu' the love feeling...feeling~~感觉要对...i remember...i think next year also imposible....?><'' i also hope i can find it...but my mr right never appear...^^ where u want to go???then??follow him go study???mrs benny....hope u're in happy...and xin fu...^^ ermm...if he get the 奖学金..hw about u??ya...i will try my best to be a person that are most happy in tis world...^^ nonid study??study need many money....but the fee...except study fee ... and also hav living fee...that is not easy thing...b4 do any choose ..thinking about money st....^^ ur mom know it?? is still is me...always call ppl thinking about money st...^^..ya...^^today is the nan de的1天....we are talking soft...= xin ping qi he...=)

maybe我们长大了..不再用吵架的方式了以前我们都很硬..都不退一步...最可怜的是啊熊...haha是咯..我们有我们自己的想法..真的各自走各自的了...追求的东西也不一样了..突然想到红蜻蜓着首歌~~红蜻蜓~~真的很不舍得..以前在学校..我们两个一起放学..回家..有时搭巴士..我们心里的世界已经不一样了..要像以前那样真的不可能了..一起加油吧..等到我们四个有自己的成就了的那一天...我们再聚回一起 sis..tell u... i cry le..i reall wan say sorry for u...很多心里的话想对你说..今天终于说出来了..我就是这样..

~vicky sik~
hahaha...ya...we hav to start to fly and choose our thing...we become mature ady...=) hahaha...ya...xiong so charm lar b4...nw we 4 tidak akan kembali like b4...but hav to face our future later..^^ hope that we ~~ hav a nice future in near... and remember our 'frenship b4'....^^ ya...we are 追求 our thing...this is the st time that i feel we hav to pisah~~~='( i also...thinking about the song...too...the feeling is strong.... feel that i will lose u all best fren in my life...may be b4 we are good..we never thinking about we will duno treasure our frenship... b4 i really never think...i think we still can study together... ply,learn, sot, happy ,sad,laugh , cry,talk, sing,38together..but actually that wont appear again...^^ ya..i noe...^^ coz we are same...dun say sorry more...u say de, we are growing ady ... hav to think about all ...not only think myself....haha..u lar...b4 until now also same....only thinking urself....><''ya ... b4 that i always call u go out ...i see u hav many alasan...then i know that bcoz him...but ~~ãfter chatting today....i noe that....u also know that....that=心里的话..yi qian de zhui bu hui....yi hou de~~~we can add oil...wei wo men de jiang lai nu li....^^ i noe....^^ dun say sorry ooo....^^

i'm sad when tat time...zzz

