Is ME...><''

Is ME...><''


the person that first time i like

When I am 14year old...He is 18 year old...start that time i already know that 2 of us are impossible...~.~ I dont know what is Love but I know that I like him...we play basketball had gf and after that he change his gf...then lose contact... sad...i always tell myself i still too young...that all feeling is not real...but when i hear his gf' sis say...(he just ply me only..never like me..)my heart really feel bad/sad...still can remember it...i very mind it and need to know..what happen of is he never like me or he just play me?then i be friend with his st gf..a few year ago, all thing is change slowly..i also don't care about the answer tell me he never say like that...all just a plan...can i believe him?should i believe it?..whatever i really happy when i hear he say:when at dms many people don't like him but i dont..i am diff with i like you..^^may be all is just lie~my friend scold hard you forgot him...why still find him ?..but this question is no answer...

