Is ME...><''

Is ME...><''


My class

My class...from4 and from5...2 year...I am the only chinese girl in class...At first, i very hate it because of too bored,feel alone but after that i feel that i can learn a lot from this enviroment and also become more brave and also i learned to do everything by myself... I have a best friend in this class...indian girl...we sat together for 2 year life in secondary school...she know all about me, my pattern / my style i like to ~~ my school skirt, I don't like people disturb me when i am serious doing something, always ponteng...and she can accept all my bad thing...very thank her this 2 year care for me...thank..punitha..then thx to my class teacher~teach me MPV...i like her much...she very very nice...she sayang our class..(our mom) haha..and another teacher that i like is my science teacher...(ibu angkat)she very brave to talk that what she don't like..i had gone her house when raya...she give us all RM5 for duit raya and cook tasty food to us...

