Is ME...><''

Is ME...><''


My future...Planning hehe :)

Now st finish my diploma lar...sometime work part time to earn some money for (buy clothes,buy shoes,and something more)haha..= useless thing...=) after that, may be will continue degree at other country or continue at segi lar...halzz see first...then, haha....i want make up my kindergarten & full house=my family...hope can do it b4 30 year old lol..hehe..=) Actually when i take early childhood this course, i never think need to open kindergarten...because i feel that is business not but now i change my opinion...我是这么想:如果只是帮别人打工...只要我的课一完,其他的事就不关我事了..我就只是负责教书...但是如果幼儿园是我的,那里面的孩子都是我的责任,我就得尽心尽力去顾好每一个小朋友,整件幼儿园...把他们当成是自己的孩子一样照顾..=) Then i hope i can marry and born a baby b4 30..haha..All of this also are 遥不可及的事 慢慢来...等遇到了我的王子和存够钱再算吧~ 哈哈~At now ..i hope to learn more thing like piano,dance, guitar....erm...that just example....learn more thing are benefit to me..and my future...and also can fully use my time with good.... :)

