Is ME...><''

Is ME...><''


Full House

This is the restaurant that day we eat...haha...first time go kl alone...^^ time accompany boy buy clothes..==' change clothes really lama..==' nasib baik same channel..if not? want update to tv4?haha..wei~tell you a thing..remember that day the malay?he mimpi de?..he say you leng me must tengok baik baik you..mao pandai jaga if not must have many girl come...have you hear it?' say like that~macam i very urgly..=='haha...(i have hear what you talk that day..when eat..anyway, no money also want to eat lol..dont forget eat..haha..want eat nasi me...i will give 1 spoon for you..haha.. spaggeti?haha...I belanja lar cause that day i also no give back money to you...)lol..regret that day no take photo no at there..and with you ..haha..You told me that you will dissapear before you are success? Thx for told me earlier ~ erm..anyways i wish and hope you can get the life that you need...gooodluck to you ^^

